My dog is obese, what can I do about this?

Obesity is a common problem in dogs, with radical health consequences. Some of these consequences are diabetes, kidney problems, joint problems, reduced fertility. Obesity can also impede a physical examination done by the veterinarian and increase the risk of complications during narcosis. That is why it is very important to treat obesity or better yet: prevent it.

There are different ways to let your dog lose weight.

With slimming, the goal is to get the body to use a part of the fat reserves. This can be done by giving the animal less food than it essentially needs. The downside of this is that your dog will get hungry.

A light food is composed to provide less energy and to reduce hunger. The reduction of hunger is done by adding extra fibres. These fibres fill the intestine, which promotes satiety.

A suitable food for responsible dieting is Weight & Diabetic. This food has a low fat and energy content and contains extra fibres, which help prolongate satiety after a meal. This diet is enriched with extra vitamins and minerals, in order to meet the daily requirements, despite the reduced food intake.

When the target weight is reached it is possible to gradually switch to a maintenance food. It is also possible to feed Weight & Diabetic for life. Regularly check the weight and body condition score of your dog